
'Dancing on the volcano' is a song that inspired Juliette Santegoeds and Esther van Wegen to start their first festival 'On the volcano'.
They meant to share societal topics that are burning in our minds and to create an artistic reaction around them. Art driven by passion.
This year we combined forces with several initiatives, creating a Shareable sharefest and OuiShare Fest satellite event in the same time.

"A two day festival about sharing arts, workshops,
food, drinks and dancing. About sharing richness in
all dimensions at the age of communities."

Saturday, May 31, 2014

Quotes from our guests

Some guests wrote nice things in our guest book or on Facebook about On The Volcano Festival. A recap.

"Nil. Volentibus. Arduum. Nexus. Nothing is impossible for those who are willing to connect. Heart up." (Patricia Rijgersberg) 
"The year of manifestation. Pieces fall into place. So we can continue to next year." (Udo Drenth)

"I've been in there for 5 minutes and I found it awesome."

"It's moving! It looks like what children do." (Jacques Giesbertz) 
"Meeting the people that are developing this new attitude was a real wonderful experience. Thank you!" (Carlos Lecomedien) 
"It was fun!" 
"Nice initiative! Keep on improvising. That's your power!" (Paul Rupp) 
"I really enjoyed it. And what a great pictures as well! Thanks a lot! What a super great weekend with the chance to share thoughts with so many like minded people." (Cis Deyl) 
"Tres bon festival. To make it again and again." (Michel Caes)

"Wow! I have enjoyed this greatly! Like in a warm bath, I felt at home. Freedom and love. Much loveeee.. " (Deborah)

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